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August 26, 2014
bail bonds

Bail Bonds and Ice Buckets: Ice Cold Fugitive Does Good..But Still Bad

If you haven't heard about the ALS ice bucket challenge, than you must have been living in a cave for the past month...
August 14, 2014

Consumer Alert: Beware of Jail Time Scam

We all need another consumer scam like we need a hole in the head (as my grandmother always use to say...
August 13, 2014
surprised face what

Let’s Get Siri-ous: Can an iPhone be an accomplice to Murder?

If you have an iPhone, than you probably have used the voice command feature, or as it is commonly...
August 12, 2014
mom of the year

Tough Love Gone Too Far or Just Far Enough

Every parent thinks their child is a superstar and wants them to have nothing but success in life.
August 6, 2014

More Selfie Incrimination: Leopard Print Pose Leads to Jail Time Woes

Sometimes we wonder if we will ever run out of these ridiculous selfie incrimination stories for our bail bond blog...
August 5, 2014
don't be dumb

Selfie Incrimination: Credit Card Crimes of Stupidity

Probably one of the most popular types of stories that we post on this bail bond blog, we are proud to announce...
August 1, 2014
fish sole

Crime Scene Buffet Lands Burglar in the Slammer

If you have ever watched a movie about bad guys pulling off a big crime, you know how organized...
July 31, 2014
don't be dumb

Bail Bonds and Middle Fingers: Flip the Bird Get the Cage

How many times have you flipped someone the "bird." You know, the middle finger, or as the Romans...
July 29, 2014
mad cat

The Next Crime Fighting Sensation MIKE TYSON?

Yep, the misunderstood boxing legend is at it again. But this time, he is doing it anime style. Mike Tyson is back on top
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