As part of Black History Month, President Obama invited six unsung American Heroes to the White House for a very special ceremony. And yes, believe it or not, one of them was a bail bond agent.
When it comes to understanding the bail bond industry, most people are left to reality television and Hollywood Movies. Unfortunately these sources of information have rarely if ever told the true story of the bail profession.
The bail bond industry continues to be big news in Kansas following the shooting of a bounty hunter a couple weeks ago. ExpertBail Agent Stephen Owens...
This past weekend ExpertBail Agent Stephen Owens spoke with radio personality Gene Countryman of KNSS 1330 AM about the difference between bail bondsmen and bounty hunters.
The biggest challenge that the bail bond profession faces in today's marketplace is the extreme lack of understanding of the industry amongst the general public...
The bail bond industry is portrayed on television and in the media as a dangerous business. It conjures up images of big guys with guns running through the streets.
Do you want your hard earned tax dollars to go towards helping those accused of a crime to be released for FREE? We didn't think so. Read
Attorney Peter Antonacci's recent response...
This past Holiday Season, the Professional Bondsmen of Harris County sponsored a fundraiser for the Be An Angel Foundation. The event was attended by over 200 people and raised several thousand dollars.