The California Criminal Justice System is currently in a state of flux as realignment continues to unfold throughout the state and crime stats spike. Northern California Bail Bond Agent, Holly Hoekstra was recently interviewed...
There's a large incentive for bail agents to track down defendants who miss their court dates and skip town. Check out this article by to see one bail agent's methods for finding clients who leave town and why it's so important they are returned.
Ohio bail bond agents, and verified members of the ExpertBail Network, Jon Handler and John Fox, were recently interviewed by Business First. They discussed what it's like to be in the bail profession, the frustrating stereotypes...
On behalf of the entire team at ExpertBail, we would like to congratulate Davie Westmoreland of Texas Quick Bail for winning the prestigious Bail Bondsman of the Year award at this year's PBT conference in San Antonio.
When most people think of a hero the last thing that comes to mind for most is a bail bond agent. Well if you asked a woman in Springfield, Virginia this morning, her biggest hero would be bail bond agent Kevin Cuomes.
How well do you sleep at night? How safe do you feel? Well get ready to lose some sleep. Read the following article and watch the video on why local jails are having to release inmates into the public to make room for state prisoners.
Being a bail bond agent is not always a walk in the park. While not reaching the exaggerated levels of drama and danger portrayed on television and in the movies, bail agents do need to stay alert and be on top of every bond they write.
Read the article published by The Grand Rapids Press. It briefly covers the basics of the various ways people can be released from jail, including: surety bonds, cash bonds and own recognizance.