Should the measure of justice be about how many people are in jail? The VERA Institute thinks it should. Check out this next VERA Truth video about VERA’s risk assessment lie. Learn how their supposed “evidence-based” risk assessment process falls short of protecting the public. For example, if someone is arrested for simple burglary and it is their first offense, they will probably be assessed as a “low” risk (VERA ranking of 0-3). However, in another example a defendant is arrested on the same simple burglary charge, yet this defendant has failed to show up for court 11 times previously, according to VERA’s risk assessment, he would be assessed only 1 point higher than the defendant in the first example. Imagine that…a defendant who shows complete contempt for the criminal justice system not once but 11 times is only 1 point higher and still considered a low level risk. Does New Orleans need the VERA institute to perform these risk assessments when the court is already conducting their own assessments at every level? Does New Orleans need to continue to fund VERA to the tune of nearly $500,000 a year? Watch the video series and then you decide.
Posted by: Eric Granof
Watch additional VERA Truth videos:
Learn more about the bail bond process: Bail Bond Questions and Answers
Read one of ExpertBail’s bail bond blog posts: Can You Twerk? Not in Louisiana…or You Could Go To Jail
Should the measure of justice be about how many people are in jail? The VERA Institute thinks it should. Check out this next VERA Truth video about VERA’s risk assessment lie. Learn how their supposed “evidence-based” risk assessment process falls short of protecting the public. For example, if someone is arrested for simple burglary and it is their first offense, they will probably be assessed as a “low” risk (VERA ranking of 0-3). However, in another example a defendant is arrested on the same simple burglary charge, yet this defendant has failed to show up for court 11 times previously, according to VERA’s risk assessment, he would be assessed only 1 point higher than the defendant in the first example. Imagine that…a defendant who shows complete contempt for the criminal justice system not once but 11 times is only 1 point higher and still considered a low level risk. Does New Orleans need the VERA institute to perform these risk assessments when the court is already conducting their own assessments at every level? Does New Orleans need to continue to fund VERA to the tune of nearly $500,000 a year? Watch the video series and then you decide.
Posted by: Eric Granof
Watch additional VERA Truth videos:
Learn more about the bail bond process: Bail Bond Questions and Answers
Read one of ExpertBail’s bail bond blog posts: Can You Twerk? Not in Louisiana…or You Could Go To Jail