How much money could your county save by expanding the use of commercial bail? How much safer would your community be if more defendants were released on a financially secured bond? If you are interested in the answers to these questions and more, listen in to ExpertBail’s recent discussion with Don Smith on his nationally syndicated radio program. Don talks with Eric Granof about many different aspects of the bail bond industry including the groundbreaking results of a new study out of the University of Texas at Dallas, where it was determined that the commercial bail bond industry saved the county over $11 Million.
Click on the orange arrow below to listen to the interview.
Hear the full interview including additional guests Senator Jeff Sessions and former CIA employee Kevin Shipp. Don Smith Show
Click here to listen to ExpertBail’s previous interview on the Don Smith Show.
Look for other news on the bail bond industry
How much money could your county save by expanding the use of commercial bail? How much safer would your community be if more defendants were released on a financially secured bond? If you are interested in the answers to these questions and more, listen in to ExpertBail’s recent discussion with Don Smith on his nationally syndicated radio program. Don talks with Eric Granof about many different aspects of the bail bond industry including the groundbreaking results of a new study out of the University of Texas at Dallas, where it was determined that the commercial bail bond industry saved the county over $11 Million.
Click on the orange arrow below to listen to the interview.
Hear the full interview including additional guests Senator Jeff Sessions and former CIA employee Kevin Shipp. Don Smith Show
Click here to listen to ExpertBail’s previous interview on the Don Smith Show.
Look for other news on the bail bond industry