If you ever wanted to learn how your tax dollars are being wasted in the criminal justice system then watch these new videos on the VERA Institute. The VERA Institute is a taxpayer funded group that manages the pretrial service program in New Orleans. The problem, many of the employees of VERA make more than the New Orleans Mayor, Fire Shief and Judges. VERA also rated the Mother’s Day Shooter, Akein Scott at low risk of 3 out of 24 on his pretrial risk assessment even though he had a violent past and lied during his screening process. VERA was so embarrased by this that they tried to pass a law protecting their records from being viewed by the public…and remember that the public pays for VERA to exist…how is that right? If you are a citizen of New Orleans contact your city council today and tell them to stop wasting your tax dollars and not to fund VERA. Watch the new video below.
Watch additional VERA Truth videos:
Learn more about the bail bond industry: Bail Bond Questions and Answers
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If you ever wanted to learn how your tax dollars are being wasted in the criminal justice system then watch these new videos on the VERA Institute. The VERA Institute is a taxpayer funded group that manages the pretrial service program in New Orleans. The problem, many of the employees of VERA make more than the New Orleans Mayor, Fire Shief and Judges. VERA also rated the Mother’s Day Shooter, Akein Scott at low risk of 3 out of 24 on his pretrial risk assessment even though he had a violent past and lied during his screening process. VERA was so embarrased by this that they tried to pass a law protecting their records from being viewed by the public…and remember that the public pays for VERA to exist…how is that right? If you are a citizen of New Orleans contact your city council today and tell them to stop wasting your tax dollars and not to fund VERA. Watch the new video below.
Watch additional VERA Truth videos:
Learn more about the bail bond industry: Bail Bond Questions and Answers
Learn more about ExpertBail: About ExpertBail