The old expression putting your foot in your mouth was used when someone said something stupid or embarrassing. You would laugh it off with your friends and then move on. But today in the global and very permanent world of social media the simplest and most often stupidest statements (whether made in jest or not) are broadcasted globally in a matter of seconds. And forget ever taking it back, because in places like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. the second you hit post, whatever that thought, image or video is, it is now out there forever.
That being said, now more than ever, people need to think before they speak or in this case, think before they tweet. Because that comment you make on Twitter about that time in Vegas where you all got arrested and needed to find a bail bondsman fast is not something you want your parents, friends or former employers to know about. A young man in Alabama is learning the hard way. After tweeting a death threat to the president (which is very illegal), he was thrown in jail. He has been there for 9 months and has 3 more months to go. According to authorities, the young man, didn’t do this just once. He was actually warned by the Secret Service to knock it off after previous threats. Apparently, the man didn’t take the warnings seriously and is now paying the ultimate price. So next time you think about sending that controversial 140 character message to your followers (and lets just face it…its not just to your followers…its to the entire universe) remember to use your brain first and think before you tweet. Read the original article below.
Original article: Tweeted Threat to Obama Gets Man Year in Jail
Written by: Eric Granof
The old expression putting your foot in your mouth was used when someone said something stupid or embarrassing. You would laugh it off with your friends and then move on. But today in the global and very permanent world of social media the simplest and most often stupidest statements (whether made in jest or not) are broadcasted globally in a matter of seconds. And forget ever taking it back, because in places like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. the second you hit post, whatever that thought, image or video is, it is now out there forever.
That being said, now more than ever, people need to think before they speak or in this case, think before they tweet. Because that comment you make on Twitter about that time in Vegas where you all got arrested and needed to find a bail bondsman fast is not something you want your parents, friends or former employers to know about. A young man in Alabama is learning the hard way. After tweeting a death threat to the president (which is very illegal), he was thrown in jail. He has been there for 9 months and has 3 more months to go. According to authorities, the young man, didn’t do this just once. He was actually warned by the Secret Service to knock it off after previous threats. Apparently, the man didn’t take the warnings seriously and is now paying the ultimate price. So next time you think about sending that controversial 140 character message to your followers (and lets just face it…its not just to your followers…its to the entire universe) remember to use your brain first and think before you tweet. Read the original article below.
Original article: Tweeted Threat to Obama Gets Man Year in Jail
Written by: Eric Granof