When you’re working on robbing a bank, one thing you definitely should NOT do is crash your getaway car into a police car. Talk about going through a lot of work for nothing!
Turns out Prince Conteh, 26, was fleeing a bank empty-handed. On top of that, he was captured and arrested after doing the exact thing we warned against – crashing his car right into a police car!
Conteh had entered a Bank of America branch and demanded cash from the employee by telling her he was armed with a shotgun. The brave woman refused to let him near the teller area, though, and he ended up running out of the bank with nothing before being caught.
He got himself so flustered that he ended up crashing his car into a patrol car, but still continued driving! He soon struck a utility pole, though, and it was all over. Officers quickly caught him with help from people in the vicinity and Conteh was quickly arrested.
The cop who was hit in his car was taken to a nearby hospital and treated for neck and back pain, but was going to be just fine.
Conteh, on the other hand, was charged with first-degree attempted robbery, second-degree assault and criminal use of a firearm. His payday definitely didn’t end up how he imagined and perhaps some driving lessons should be in his not-so-near future.
Read another bail bond blog: Driver Shuts Eyes to Pray, Crashes Into House
Original article: Would-Be Bank Robber Crashes Getaway Car Into Cop Car
When you’re working on robbing a bank, one thing you definitely should NOT do is crash your getaway car into a police car. Talk about going through a lot of work for nothing!
Turns out Prince Conteh, 26, was fleeing a bank empty-handed. On top of that, he was captured and arrested after doing the exact thing we warned against – crashing his car right into a police car!
Conteh had entered a Bank of America branch and demanded cash from the employee by telling her he was armed with a shotgun. The brave woman refused to let him near the teller area, though, and he ended up running out of the bank with nothing before being caught.
He got himself so flustered that he ended up crashing his car into a patrol car, but still continued driving! He soon struck a utility pole, though, and it was all over. Officers quickly caught him with help from people in the vicinity and Conteh was quickly arrested.
The cop who was hit in his car was taken to a nearby hospital and treated for neck and back pain, but was going to be just fine.
Conteh, on the other hand, was charged with first-degree attempted robbery, second-degree assault and criminal use of a firearm. His payday definitely didn’t end up how he imagined and perhaps some driving lessons should be in his not-so-near future.
Read another bail bond blog: Driver Shuts Eyes to Pray, Crashes Into House
Original article: Would-Be Bank Robber Crashes Getaway Car Into Cop Car