We would like to thank everyone who participated in our “Guess the Bail Agent” contest. The results were very interesting. As usual most people gravitated towards the tough or stern looking men as the bail agents. These individuals seem to fit the “bail bondsman” stereotype that most people seem to have. The reality of the bail industry however is much different. While there are tough, stern men, the majority of bail agents (over 50%) are actually women. So if you guessed one of the three women you were closer than most. The correct answer is…..F!
Diane Tressa of Diane Tressa Bail Bonds in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a long time bail bond agent. She is not only considered to be one of the best bail agents in the state of Pennsylvania, but she is also one of the most active and caring members of her community. To learn more about Diane, visit the Making a Difference section of our site.
Out of over 200 responses, only 20 people guessed “F.” Because of the great response, we have selected two winners from the 20. If you were selected we will contact you via Facebook with details. Once again, thanks for participating and stay tuned for more contests from the team at ExpertBail.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our “Guess the Bail Agent” contest. The results were very interesting. As usual most people gravitated towards the tough or stern looking men as the bail agents. These individuals seem to fit the “bail bondsman” stereotype that most people seem to have. The reality of the bail industry however is much different. While there are tough, stern men, the majority of bail agents (over 50%) are actually women. So if you guessed one of the three women you were closer than most. The correct answer is…..F!
Diane Tressa of Diane Tressa Bail Bonds in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a long time bail bond agent. She is not only considered to be one of the best bail agents in the state of Pennsylvania, but she is also one of the most active and caring members of her community. To learn more about Diane, visit the Making a Difference section of our site.
Out of over 200 responses, only 20 people guessed “F.” Because of the great response, we have selected two winners from the 20. If you were selected we will contact you via Facebook with details. Once again, thanks for participating and stay tuned for more contests from the team at ExpertBail.