How far can you go on social media when it comes to free speech? Can you say anything you want with no expectation of any punishment or penalty? These are great questions to ask and ones that will continue to be discussed in the public forum for years to come. As we have seen over the past few months, several people have been held responsible for things they have done on Facebook as well as Craigslist. Well now it is Twitter’s turn. A British man was recently arrested and put in jail for tweeting abusive and racist comments about football (soccer to you and me) player Fabrice Muamba, who experience heart failure during a recent match in Europe. While England is very different than the US, do we all need to worry about this type of enforcement occurring here in the US? We aren’t sure but we do recommend that people use better judgment when posting comments on social media sites. Unlike a private conversation with your friends, Facebook and Twitter are public megaphones that will make sure that whatever you say has the potential to be heard by everyone on the planet…seriously….everyone.
So remember the saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? You need to remember that it doesn’t really apply in this instance, because what happens online doesn’t always stay online and you could end up in Jail and needing a bail bondsman if you aren’t careful.
Read the original story here… Off to jail in cuffs, student who tweeted abuse about heart failure footballer Fabrice Muamba
How far can you go on social media when it comes to free speech? Can you say anything you want with no expectation of any punishment or penalty? These are great questions to ask and ones that will continue to be discussed in the public forum for years to come. As we have seen over the past few months, several people have been held responsible for things they have done on Facebook as well as Craigslist. Well now it is Twitter’s turn. A British man was recently arrested and put in jail for tweeting abusive and racist comments about football (soccer to you and me) player Fabrice Muamba, who experience heart failure during a recent match in Europe. While England is very different than the US, do we all need to worry about this type of enforcement occurring here in the US? We aren’t sure but we do recommend that people use better judgment when posting comments on social media sites. Unlike a private conversation with your friends, Facebook and Twitter are public megaphones that will make sure that whatever you say has the potential to be heard by everyone on the planet…seriously….everyone.
So remember the saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? You need to remember that it doesn’t really apply in this instance, because what happens online doesn’t always stay online and you could end up in Jail and needing a bail bondsman if you aren’t careful.
Read the original story here… Off to jail in cuffs, student who tweeted abuse about heart failure footballer Fabrice Muamba