How much do you love your significant other? Would you go to the end of the earth for them? Would you take a bullet for them? Would you steal a bunny? Yeah, I said steal a bunny.
Well a New York man did. He was so committed to showing his girlfriend how much he cared for her that he decided to steal the ultimate gift of love, a bunny rabbit. BTW, according to the man, there was just enough alcohol involved to give him the courage to pull off the caper….or shall we say, try to pull off the caper. He held the stolen bunny for 4 days before turning it in to authorities. Now here is the kicker. This was not the man’s first pet napping crime. A few years earlier he walked off with someone’s German Sheppard before he was caught. Either this guy needs to find himself another girlfriend or he needs to visit the local rescue shelter and get a pet for free instead of stealing one. Read the original story below.
Original story: SoHo bunny napper sprung after four months jail
How much do you love your significant other? Would you go to the end of the earth for them? Would you take a bullet for them? Would you steal a bunny? Yeah, I said steal a bunny.
Well a New York man did. He was so committed to showing his girlfriend how much he cared for her that he decided to steal the ultimate gift of love, a bunny rabbit. BTW, according to the man, there was just enough alcohol involved to give him the courage to pull off the caper….or shall we say, try to pull off the caper. He held the stolen bunny for 4 days before turning it in to authorities. Now here is the kicker. This was not the man’s first pet napping crime. A few years earlier he walked off with someone’s German Sheppard before he was caught. Either this guy needs to find himself another girlfriend or he needs to visit the local rescue shelter and get a pet for free instead of stealing one. Read the original story below.
Original story: SoHo bunny napper sprung after four months jail