For those of us who are parents, we know that a big part of the job is about choices. The choices that you make as a parent and the choices you want your child to make as they grow towards adulthood. Sometimes, the choices are difficult ones. For example, what is the appropriate level of punishment when they break the rules, or how do you talk to them about the birds and the bees. And then there are the easier choices, like should I take them along with me the next time I drive the getaway car in a robbery? Yes, you didn’t read that wrong I said robbery.
Unfortunately this really happened. A mother brought her three year old along with her as she drove the car while her boyfriend held up a hotel and country club. All we can hope is that the mom was maybe trying to teach the child a lesson about what NOT to do, but then again, I think that might be a stretch. Now she is in jail and getting a chance to teach her son about bail bonds and lawyers. I am sure you will all agree with me, that in the end she obviously made a pretty bad choice. Read the original story below.
Before you read the article though, check out our list of the top 5 bad parenting choices of places not to take your 3 year old.
#5 To a turkish bath house
#4 To a strip club…and especially don’t get him a private dance
#3 To an AA meeting
#2 To a late night screening of Apocalypse Now
Original article: Jail for mum who took son on raids
For those of us who are parents, we know that a big part of the job is about choices. The choices that you make as a parent and the choices you want your child to make as they grow towards adulthood. Sometimes, the choices are difficult ones. For example, what is the appropriate level of punishment when they break the rules, or how do you talk to them about the birds and the bees. And then there are the easier choices, like should I take them along with me the next time I drive the getaway car in a robbery? Yes, you didn’t read that wrong I said robbery.
Unfortunately this really happened. A mother brought her three year old along with her as she drove the car while her boyfriend held up a hotel and country club. All we can hope is that the mom was maybe trying to teach the child a lesson about what NOT to do, but then again, I think that might be a stretch. Now she is in jail and getting a chance to teach her son about bail bonds and lawyers. I am sure you will all agree with me, that in the end she obviously made a pretty bad choice. Read the original story below.
Before you read the article though, check out our list of the top 5 bad parenting choices of places not to take your 3 year old.
#5 To a turkish bath house
#4 To a strip club…and especially don’t get him a private dance
#3 To an AA meeting
#2 To a late night screening of Apocalypse Now
Original article: Jail for mum who took son on raids