Whether you love the idea of Obamacare or not, you are going to love this next bail bond blog. As everyone could expect, the Affordable Care Act, or as it is commonly referred to, Obamacare launched on Tuesday with some minor glitches. From crashing websites to unresponsive servers the American people were put on hold for most of the day waiting for things to work properly. Couple that with a government shutdown, and it is almost amazing to think that the world hasn’t spun off its axis already. But I digress.
Anyway, for those people that decided to be more proactive then sitting around waiting for a website to work, they called the Obamacare helpline. That number is below…
Now most people who called the number probably didn’t have time to think about it, but some bored soul did. When you look at the corresponding letters for each number, the phone number looks like this:
Now if this was done on purpose then touché Mr. President, good one. However, if this was just another government due diligence oversight than we might have bigger problems than we think. Either way, someone is obviously trying to tell us something about the new Affordable Care Act…I guess it is up to us to figure out what that might be. Read the original story below.
Original article: Have Questions On Obamacare? Call 1-800-F U-CKYO
Posted by: Eric Granof
Read another bail bond blog post: Fencing Coach Foils Crime as Only a Fencing Coach Can
Learn more about the bail bond process: Bail Bond Questions and Answers
Whether you love the idea of Obamacare or not, you are going to love this next bail bond blog. As everyone could expect, the Affordable Care Act, or as it is commonly referred to, Obamacare launched on Tuesday with some minor glitches. From crashing websites to unresponsive servers the American people were put on hold for most of the day waiting for things to work properly. Couple that with a government shutdown, and it is almost amazing to think that the world hasn’t spun off its axis already. But I digress.
Anyway, for those people that decided to be more proactive then sitting around waiting for a website to work, they called the Obamacare helpline. That number is below…
Now most people who called the number probably didn’t have time to think about it, but some bored soul did. When you look at the corresponding letters for each number, the phone number looks like this:
Now if this was done on purpose then touché Mr. President, good one. However, if this was just another government due diligence oversight than we might have bigger problems than we think. Either way, someone is obviously trying to tell us something about the new Affordable Care Act…I guess it is up to us to figure out what that might be. Read the original story below.
Original article: Have Questions On Obamacare? Call 1-800-F U-CKYO
Posted by: Eric Granof
Read another bail bond blog post: Fencing Coach Foils Crime as Only a Fencing Coach Can
Learn more about the bail bond process: Bail Bond Questions and Answers