Some criminals never learn…maybe that is why they are criminals. In today’s bail bond blog a young woman gets reminded that cell phones aren’t just dangerous to talk on, but also dangerous to sit on.
This past week in New Smyrna Beach, Florida a young woman placed a poorly time phone call. The problem was she didn’t even know she was calling anybody. Yep, we are talking about the infamous “butt-dialed phone call.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the butt-dial, it happens when you put your phone in your back pocket and somehow your butt movements are able to dial a phone number. Now the big challenge with butt dialed phone calls is that they are completely random. So you might be calling any of the people in your phone book, or maybe some random number. In the case of the Florida woman, her butt decided to call 911. Now call it bad luck or just plain stupidity, or maybe even a bit of both, but this particular 911 booty call, couldn’t have happened at a worse time for the woman. It happened while she was talking about the meth making items she just stole from Walmart. The police were able to put the cell phone call and woman together with shoplifting reports from Walmart and make an arrest.
So the next time you stick your phone in your back pocket when you are confessing to a crime be careful what you say…because your booty maybe trying to get you busted. Read the original story below.
Original article: Woman, 25, arrested after pocket-dialing 911 and is overheard describing crime
Posted by: Eric Granof
Read another bail bond blog post: Citizen’s Arrest: Running Man Run Down
Learn how to find a trusted bail bondsman.
Some criminals never learn…maybe that is why they are criminals. In today’s bail bond blog a young woman gets reminded that cell phones aren’t just dangerous to talk on, but also dangerous to sit on.
This past week in New Smyrna Beach, Florida a young woman placed a poorly time phone call. The problem was she didn’t even know she was calling anybody. Yep, we are talking about the infamous “butt-dialed phone call.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the butt-dial, it happens when you put your phone in your back pocket and somehow your butt movements are able to dial a phone number. Now the big challenge with butt dialed phone calls is that they are completely random. So you might be calling any of the people in your phone book, or maybe some random number. In the case of the Florida woman, her butt decided to call 911. Now call it bad luck or just plain stupidity, or maybe even a bit of both, but this particular 911 booty call, couldn’t have happened at a worse time for the woman. It happened while she was talking about the meth making items she just stole from Walmart. The police were able to put the cell phone call and woman together with shoplifting reports from Walmart and make an arrest.
So the next time you stick your phone in your back pocket when you are confessing to a crime be careful what you say…because your booty maybe trying to get you busted. Read the original story below.
Original article: Woman, 25, arrested after pocket-dialing 911 and is overheard describing crime
Posted by: Eric Granof
Read another bail bond blog post: Citizen’s Arrest: Running Man Run Down
Learn how to find a trusted bail bondsman.